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Silvina Jover




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Hello! | ¡Hola!

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay.

I now live in Las Vegas, NV.


I came to the United States in 2004 and I count my years in this country based on my only son's age: 18 and counting. Since then I lived across a good portion of the U.S. — From Las Vegas to Utah, Florida, and Mississippi… in that order. In the midst of all that traveling, I also resided in China for 1 year.


A mother, student, translator, editor, copywriter, digital media specialist, educator, trainer, and scholar. All these interconnected paths brought me back full circle to the beginning of my American journey, Las Vegas, where I work as a bilingual English-Spanish Social Studies teacher at the high school level, mainly with our emergent bilingual students. Additionally, I coordinate anything and everything related to the ELAD and dual language worlds, and I also coach educators at my school and work with pre-service teachers in their higher education work.


I am also a Ph. D. candidate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in the Curriculum & Instruction, Multicultural Education program.

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